Required Modules
CHMN 704 - Incarnational Missional Church
Credits: 4
Investigates 21st century western culture and corresponding mission praxis. Includes theological reflection, literature, theory, and practices in ministry. Prepared for leaders who desire to engage the church on effective mission to Western culture; pastors, church planters and administrative leaders who wish to gain an understanding of the implications of missional church.
Grade Mode: Normal Sem (A-F,I,DG,DN,W)
College Code: SEM
CHMN 713 - Transformational Leadership and Organic Systems Thinking
Credits: 5
Personal and theological reflection will be integrated with principles for leading change. Systems thinking, transformation of organizational culture, and human development theory are investigated in the context of missional leadership. The module also pursues further development and application of missional lifestyle modeling. Practical focus on incarnational mission skills is initiated.
Grade Mode: Normal Sem (A-F,I,DG,DN,W)
College Code: SEM
CHMN 714 - Discipling Leaders for Mission
Credits: 5
Leaders transact vision through developing disciples according to the biblical model for an apostolic movement. Those whom missional servants lead become mature in Christ and thus a missional movement is multiplied. Coaching and mentoring skills are taught so that the leader can develop people toward maturity in Christ.
Grade Mode: Normal Sem (A-F,I,DG,DN,W)
College Code: SEM