Feb 18, 2025
Public Health, Environmental Health Concentration BSPH
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Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) program with Environmental Health concentration is designed for students pursuing a professional degree in the field of Environmental Public Health. This program prepares students for certification as a Registered Environmental Health Specialists (REHS) that qualifies for entry-level positions in the field of environmental health.
The BSPH program in Environmental Health is the first of its kind at the undergraduate level in the Adventist Health School System. It is a rigorous yet flexible science-based applied program that prepares students for careers in public health as well as environmental health fields. This program is recommended for pre-medical, pre-dental students wishing to secure a job while preparing for medical, dental, or physical therapy, physician’s assistant and pharmacy schools. This degree provides an excellent foundation for pursuing the online Master of Public Health public (MPH) degree at Andrews University or any MPH degree in general. Employment of environmental scientists and specialists is projected to grow 11 percent from 2014 to 2024 faster than the average for all occupations.
Environmental Health is the science and practice of preventing human injury and illness while promoting well-being by a) identifying and evaluating environmental sources and hazardous agents and b) limiting exposures to hazardous physical, chemical, and biological agents in air, water, food and other environmental media or settings that may adversely affect human health.
BSPH Program Mission
To prepare public health professionals who can plan, manage, evaluate and solve public health problems in the public and private sector. This mission will improve the health and well-being of individuals, communities, and populations, while preparing students to become Christ-centered scholars and global leaders in public health.
Major: Core Requirements - 18
Major: Concentration Requirements - 33-35
Major: Additional Requirements
Students are expected to complete a professional development portfolio during the BSPH program outlining their goals and accomplishments, including experiential activities conducted at both public and private public health agencies and organizations. Experiential Activity All students are required to complete a cumulative, integrative and scholarly (or applied) experience that serves as a capstone to the educational experience. This can also be an inquiry project. These experiences may include, but are not limited to, internships, service learning projects, senior seminars, portfolio projects, research papers or honors thesis. Exposure to local-level public health professionals and/or agencies that engage in public health practice is encouraged. REHS Credential A Professional Credential from National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) Students in the BSPH program in environmental health are eligible to take the Registered Environmental Health Specialist certification exam. The REHS is the most prevalent NEHA credential and professionals demonstrate competency in an impressive range of environmental health issues, directing and training personnel to respond to routine or emergency environmental situations, as well as educating community members about environmental health concerns. In addition, REHS credential holders are key members in ensuring that communities are in compliance with local, state and federal environmental health regulations. For additional information visit the site below. http://www.neha.org/professional-development/credentials/rehsrs-credential Admission Requirements
Pre-Professional Program: Pre- BSPH Prospective Bachelor of Science in Public Health with environmental health concentration students are accepted into the pre BSPH (Non-professional program). This includes 2 years of introductory professional, science prerequisites, and Andrews Core Experience (ACE) courses which may be obtained at Andrews University or another accredited college or university, or equivalent institution for international standards. University admission requirements will be used as listed in the bulletin. Students must declare an environmental health concentration at the time of admission. Professional Program: Bachelor of Science in Public Health To transition into the professional program, students need to apply to the Director of BSPH in their sophomore year for acceptance by May 1 for the following Fallsemester. Successful completion of all pre- requisites and cognate courses as listed above, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and a cognate GPA of 2.75 is required for acceptance into the professional program BSPH. Graduation Requirements
Graduation is dependent upon the completion of all curriculum requirements for the professional BSPH degree with the maintenance of at least a minimum of overall GPA of 2.85 and a minimum GPA of 2.75 in all didactic and science courses. No grade below C- is accepted for prerequisite and cognate courses (or below a C for didactic courses). At least 125 semester hours are recommended for graduation. Additional Information
Accreditation The Bachelor of Science in Public Health at Andrews University is in the process of accreditation by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), 1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 220, Silver Spring, MD 20910. www.ceph.org |
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